Community Hub

81 - 103 
King's Road

Welcome to our Community Hub to display an overview of our proposals for 81 – 103 King’s Road

We look forward to receiving your feedback and sharing further details throughout the process.

81-103 King’s Road Today

The existing buildings at 81-103 King’s Road include a crude retail shed which occupies the majority of the site. Their 1980s design is no longer fit for purpose and requires updating to meet current and future demands.

The site’s exclusion from the conservation areas bears testament to the poor-quality design of the present buildings which stand out from the architectural style and history of Chelsea.

These proposals seek to positively address these shortcomings.

Locally listed buildings and conservation areas

81-103 King’s Road – Current Building

Current Building – Access Entrance

Current Service Yard & Car Park Access

Retail Shed

Current Retail

Proposed Building

Proposed Retail

Proposed Building

Proposed Office Entrance

Proposed Access Entrance

Proposed Service Yard and Car Park Access

Proposed Access Entrance

Our Commitments

We can guarantee apartments are not included in our proposals. The building is purpose-built for Grade A offices and a high-end food retailer. It is impossible for it to be converted under any circumstances.

Premium food retailer as the anchor tenant.

Parking spaces for retail customers.

Purpose-built Grade A office spaces for local businesses.

New green planting at street level to boost biodiversity in Chelsea.

Widening the pavement on King’s Road.

New space for street level café or restaurant.

Considerate Construction Plan.

Get In Touch

You can contact us via the feedback function below, in addition to being able to send us an email, speaking with one of our team over the phone, or by posting a letter.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for viewing our proposals for the new development. We appreciate you taking the time to visit our community hub and would be grateful if you could complete this feedback form.

81-103 King’s Road

Welcome to our dedicated community hub for our proposals for 81-103 King’s Road.

Our plans set out to deliver a high-quality and sustainable commercial building that has been sensitively designed to reflect and respect Chelsea’s iconic heritage. The proposed building will offer: